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Reis, B., Frenzel, R., Gerlach, N., Müller, M., Schultz, J., Putwa, S., Weatherby, J., Dasog, M., Schwarz, S.:
Gold Nanorods Decorated by Conjugated Microporous Polymers for Infrared Responsive Cytostatic Drug Delivery, Langmuir 41 (2025) 4, S. 2471-2479 https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.langmuir.4c04164
Boehm, A.V., Bader, M.A., Kochta, F., Kunz, C., Kühn, U., Neufeld, K., Giebeler, L., Hufenbach, J.K.:
Low-alloyed steel with superior dry abrasive wear resistance and mechanical properties processed via steel mold casting, Wear (2025), S. 205756/1-22 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wear.2025.205756
Nguyen, H.B.T., Ding, L., Pohle, B., Schmeida, T., Nguyen, H.B.A., Mikhailova, D.:
Ternary PEO/PVDF-HFP-Based Polymer Electrolytes for Li-Ion Batteries, Batteries 11 (2025) 2, S. 45/1-21 https://doi.org/10.3390/batteries11020045
Serbeniuk, T.B., Prikhna, T.O., Baglyuk, G.A., Kalenyuk, O.A., Futimsky, S.I., Shapovalov, A.P., Sverdun, V.B., Karpets, M.V., Moshchil, V.E., Kasatkin, O.L., Büchner, B., Kluge, R., Marchenko, A.A.:
Influence of the Concentration and Type of Additives on the Structure and Electromagnetic Properties of AlN-Based Composites, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics 63 (2025) 3-4, S. 194-206 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11106-025-00451-x
Straßheim, M., Salazar Mejía, C., Bykov, E., Niehoff, T., Beyer, L., Freudenberger, J., Hübner, R., Ganss, F., Naumann, T., Wosnitza, J., Gottschall, T.:
Magnetocaloric effect in La1−zCez(Fe0.88−yMnySi0.12)13 with tunable, low transition temperature in high magnetic fields, Journal of Applied Physics 137 (2025) 4, S. 045106/1-9 https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0237782
Yang, W.S., Kim, J.H., Kim, M.J., Yang, S.Y., A Young, Lee, Esmaeilpoor, H., Kim, J.H., Lee, K.S., Shin, D.S.:
Evolution of magnetocaloric anisotropy in gadolinium wires induced by cold drawing, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2025), S. 178657/1-6 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2025.178657
Yadav, P.L., Joshi, P., Lokhande, V.C., Lee, C.-F., Hsieh, S.-H., Wang, H.-T., Shao, Y.-C., Pao, C.-W., Chen, C.-H., Yadav, J.B., Ghimire, M.P., Deshpande, N.G., Patil, R.B.:
Revisiting the Electronic Structure of α-MnO2 for Energy Storage Application, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2025), S. A-K https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c08253
Mansoor, A., Jabar, B., Shah, S.S.A., Javed, M.S., Najam, T., Ishaq, M., Chen, S., Li, F., Shi, X.-L., Chen, Y.-X., Liang, G.-X., Chen, Z.-G., Zheng, Z.-H.:
Introducing atomistic dynamics at van der Waals surfaces for enhancing the thermoelectric performance of layered Bi0.4Sb1.6Te3, Energy & Environmental Science (2025), S. 1-14
Yang, W., Wang, Y., Popov, A.A., Fupin, L.:
Pyramidal Nd2ScN inside an icosahedral C80 cage, Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers (2025), S. 1-6 https://doi.org/10.1039/D4QI03135K
Jin, H., Serpico, G., Lee, Y., Confalone, T., Saggau, C.N., Lo Sardo, F., Gu, G., Goodge, B.H., Lesne, E., Montemurro, D., Nielsch, K., Poccia, N., Vool, U.:
Exploring van der Waals Cuprate Superconductors Using a Hybrid Microwave Circuit, Nano Letters (2025), S. A-H https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.4c05793
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